We Roll up Our Sleeves and Deliver

Design, Gather, Interpret and Advance

Leading companies turn to Tainerex to address their unique business challenges. We understand that each industry requires a slightly different approach to maximize the value of the solution and will adapt the following fundamentals of our approach to suit your unique needs.

1. Discuss

We have a unique relationship with each of our clients, but each was set in motion in a simple way — with a conversation. With our expertise and experience working across industries, we come to the table with a core understanding of the challenges our clients are asked to tackle.

2. Assess

Once we understand your aspirations, we begin an intensive fact-gathering and analysis process aimed at fully framing the factors that connect to your challenges and objectives. The scope of this stage varies depending on the complexity of the challenge and the internal information you provide, but it often incorporates the following components:

  • Company Assessment: Understanding your brand promise, strategic objectives and any relevant current or past initiatives; analysis of any available training materials and customer satisfaction data
  • Market / Competitor Assessment: Identifying customer and market trends, your competitive landscape and competitive initiatives
  • Customers Assessment: Mapping the customer experience and identifying key attributes and behaviors that drive customer satisfaction, delight and loyalty